Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tom Friedman for President

                      Hot, Flat, and Crowded
Thomas Friedman strikes again. This man may truly be the smartest man alive. I am currently reading Hot, Flat, & Crowded and I pray that whoever is elected appoints this man somewhere. H,F, & C talks about what is wrong in this country and how we can fix it. Friedman makes sense, has a clear message, and wants to save America & the world by starting a green revolution. I am just starting this book, but so far I am impressed. I really encourage you to pick up this book, or any other of Friedman's books. I have also read The World Is Flat as well as From Beirut to Jerusalem-- an amazing book that helps the reader figure out how we got to where we are in the middle east. I guess I'm just tired of listening to stupid people give their ridiculous opinions on t.v. Friedman offers some smart thoughts on how we can attempt to fix this mess we're in. Read it!


Anne Swaine said...

Claire, I too am reading HOT, FLAT, AND CROWDED. Is it an eyeopener or what? I want everyone to know and believe what he is saying and to DO something about saving this earth for our grandchildren. So many don't believe it is as dire as he proposes. How to educate more people to change their ways and endure a little bit of discomfort for a greater good. We miss you here at Goodwin but are carrying on. You would be proud. Estafanie and I and Pat singlehandedly took home all our cardboard boxes to recycle. We take home paper too. No one else recycles and we are not TEACHING the kids. I also read RUN but can't remember what it is about....enlighten me...and I'll remember. hugs and kisses to you and especially Ben!

RuyEstefania said...

Yeah, I might read that book too... but, about the topic, RECICLING, SAVING ENERGY, WATER, TREES... THE EARTH!!! There are many things we can easily change. Think about your hot tub, AC, heater, car, containers, water bottles, plastic bags...

The amount of garbage that we daily produce it´s incredible and we don´t even notice it. Check this blog out,

Where does garbage go??? We think we make it disappear or something... yeah, right, why don´t we take a look at the ocean? There is going to be a day when the whole earth is going to be laying down on trash. In India we experienced it, and it is very, very scary and extremely sad. I would like to help, I would like to teach our students, I would like to do something at school!! But there is only so much two or three persons can do. I mean, when you are talking about a huge building, filled with paper and students and teachers wasting it, how can we change all those minds? (…)

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There are so many people to inspire us!!! Let´s do it, Anne!!!
And… Claire, you really are missed!!!!